Statement from Change the Chamber (CTC) on the SCOTUS Decision in West Virginia vs. EPA

By Change the Chamber Core Team, June 3oth, 2022

However disappointing this decision may be, we must push forward. The only way to avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis is to transition away from fossil fuels.

Washington, DC– Today the Supreme Court of the United States released a decision on the West Virginia v. EPA case that limits the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to reduce carbon pollution from power plants. The decision will have major implications in fighting climate change going forward. This limits the EPA’s ability to set the strong standards needed to cut carbon pollution and tackle the climate crisis.

Change The Chamber*Lobby For Climate denounced the ruling and released the following statements:

Change the Chamber (CTC), as the bipartisan voice of youth, is outraged by the Supreme Court's short-sighted decision to ignore the science, the historical precedents, and the views of the majority of people in this country. The cost of inaction in fighting climate change is way too high! We need to be moving forward with climate fighting solutions and yet, we are moving backwards. This is another vicious power grab and it has harmed everybody in this country. We are once again not living up to the commitments we promised to the people and the planet. 

Amber Reader, recent Arizona State graduate that majored  in sustainability and CTC team member, stated:  “Carbon pollution is threatening our communities, disrupting our economy, and causing human suffering. This ruling is a major victory for the fossil fuel industry and it is sickening. We have seen on multiple accounts how the court appoints itself instead of what's sensible.” 

Evey Mengelkoch, CTC team member and MS student in Sustainable Management at the University of Wisconsin - Superior, says: “If we continue with business-as-usual, we will see the intensifying of droughts, floods, storms, heatwaves, and more. These issues are not in some faraway place or the distant future that we can leave for our grandchildren to solve. We are seeing climate impacts here and now. We need our leaders in Washington to act now to put us on the right path to a more optimistic future.”

Abby Waldron, CTC team member/organizer and University of Georgia graduate, warns:  “We must push not only our elected leaders in Washington but also our state and local level representatives to do as much as possible, as quickly as possible, to avoid climate disaster. We have the will; we have the drive. I urge everyone to listen to the pleas of younger generations to take the steps necessary to ensure a livable future. And listen to the scientists who've been screaming from the rooftops for your attention. Listen to us and do your job – our climate can’t wait.”

However disappointing this decision may be, we must push forward. The only way to avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis is to transition away from fossil fuels. Congress must step up and regulate emissions from the power sector while also making climate investments that accelerate a transition to clean energy. Our leaders have these tools, they just need to use them.  The youth are tired of waiting for Congress! Join us this month in calling our senators to demand that they #GetClimateDone!

Change The Chamber is a bipartisan coalition of over 100 student groups, including undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates. Contact Change The Chamber at


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