News + Research

Lauren Alshab Lauren Alshab

AUVs and Artificial Reefs: The Game-Changer for Ocean Health and Sustainability

(March 20, 2025) The overuse of ocean resources is causing significant environmental damage, threatening marine ecosystems worldwide. Emerging technologies like Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are helping monitor and protect artificial reefs, offering hope for the restoration and preservation of these vital ecosystems.

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Lauren Alshab Lauren Alshab

Wildlife and Wind: Fact Checking America’s Wind Industry

(March 3, 2025) Wind power accounts for more than 10 percent of the electricity generated in the U.S., supporting both the environment and job creation in the green energy sector. Despite misinformation suggesting otherwise, studies confirm that offshore wind energy is a dependable resource that poses no real threat to marine wildlife and can even help enhance ocean habitats.

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Lauren Alshab Lauren Alshab

Unsung Heroes: California’s Inmate Firefighters

(February 16, 2025) California’s state network of first responders includes over two thousand inmate firefighters who frequently put themselves in harm’s way to fight ever-increasing wildfires. These inmate firefighters are severely underpaid, and face a disproportionately dangerous job compared to civilian firefighters.

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Lauren Alshab Lauren Alshab

CTC Statement On EPA Cuts

(February 6, 2025) As climate issues indiscriminately wreak havoc across all fifty states, the impacts of this decision will be detrimental to all Americans, especially to frontline communities that experience some of the highest rates of pollution and climate damages in the country.

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