EPA’s Proposed Methane Rule Will Help Protect the Health of Michiganders & Across the U.S.

By Emma Woelkers, January 21, 2023

The EPA is currently accepting public comment on their proposed methane rule. Submitting your public comment is as easy as signing a petition!

The EPA released new proposed regulations to combat methane pollution, putting the country on track to meet the goal of a 30% reduction in methane emissions by 2030.  Not only will these regulations protect our climate, but here in Michigan they will protect the health of residents around the state; especially in urban areas such as Detroit.  These regulations will be a huge win for our climate if implemented, and we must make our voices heard on such a critical issue.

Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 80 times stronger than carbon dioxide for the first 20 years that it is in the atmosphere, and it is a common pollutant from the oil and natural gas industries. NOAA has reported that the atmospheric methane concentration set a record in 2021, increasing 17 parts per billion from the previous record set in 2020- an alarming trend to climate scientists. Methane is also dangerous to our health as high levels can contribute to high ground level ozone, which can lead to asthma and other health effects. Ozone is a major pollutant in the Detroit area, and the health effects are obvious; Detroit’s asthma rate is 46% higher than the state average, with Black Detroiters 3 times more likely to be hospitalized for asthma. And earlier this year, the American Lung Association ranked Detroit as the 24th dirtiest city for ozone pollution in their State of the Air 2022 report. With the risks being so high, it is important that the EPA implements the proposed regulations, and in turn protect the health of Michiganders.

These proposed regulations build on what was released by the EPA in 2021, responding to public comments from the previous draft that called for stronger regulations. New additions include implementing a monitoring program, strengthening leak detection and repair requirements, and requiring that abandoned wells continue to be monitored until they are properly closed off by oil and gas companies. These regulations also include small wells that only produce 6% of total oil/gas, but account for up to 50% of methane leaks. These regulations, coupled with the $25 million dollars recently given to Michigan to cap abandoned oil and gas wells, would make a huge difference for the air quality in our state and across the country. 

The EPA is currently accepting public comment on their proposed methane rule. Submitting your public comment is as easy as signing a petition!  The EPA will be accepting written comments until February 13th, and we encourage you to share the link with others in your community.  These regulations are crucial to reducing our methane emissions, and making your voice heard is the easiest way to make a difference in your community.

Change The Chamber is a bipartisan coalition of over 100 student groups, including undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates. Contact Change The Chamber at changeuschamber@gmail.com.


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