Start Here: Introduction & Orientation

This module will introduce you to the training. It also provides important information on how to navigate modules and submit assignments. This module also includes information on the requirements for obtaining your environmental changemaker certificate.
Key Learnings
Upon completion of this module, you will have:
Understood how the training is laid out.
Learned the expectations for the training.
Required Content (.5 hour estimated commitment)
To complete this module, you must:
Read all the information in this module.
Watch the following videos:

A Note About the Training
Our training is designed for people who understand that climate change is happening and care about creating a kind, equitable, and inclusive future. This training assumes a base level of information on climate change. For an overview of the basics see here.
Advocacy Around the World
Local politics may restrict what you can do in terms of advocacy. The ideas, strategies and tactics discussed in this training were largely developed in the U.S. context. We recognize that while many of the ideas may work across borders, it is important to be aware of any local or national laws and norms that may influence what you choose to do. Check and choose your tactics accordingly. If you are unsure, it can be helpful to talk to other people who are working for change within your specific context.
We also understand that because these materials were developed by a group of folks living in the U.S., there are undoubtedly other ideas, tactics and strategies that you can utilize to strengthen the work that we are all doing to create a more sustainable future. If you have additional ideas on how to be a changemaker in your specific context, we encourage you to share this with us in the module evaluations at the end of each module and in our linkedin group.
Thanks to Priscilla Dyer and Debra Rowe and the U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development for their input and support of this training. A special thanks goes to the team that developed this training and the numerous National Climate Fellows from Change the Chamber who helped to review modules and provide feedback. This training could not have happened without the efforts of Erin McClain, Robin Doyle, Hunter Mundy, Shruti Machiraju, Min Jae Kwak, Manushi Sharma, Sarah Hill, Evey Mengelkoch, Samantha Grimes, Nora Cross, Elic Weitzel, Erika Pietrzak and Tony Passino, who coordinated and led the overall production of the training. Last but not least, a huge thank you to Lush Cosmetics, who helped to fund this training.
Logistics Videos
Training Progression
You have 8 weeks to complete all of the modules. Each module takes about 1.5 hours to complete. To finish this course and receive your certificate, you should try to complete at least one module per week. You are more than welcome to work ahead and complete multiple modules at your own pace. If you need more time to complete the training than 8 weeks, you can always send us an email at betterchangemaker@gmail.com.
We recommend completing modules in the following order:
Begin Here: Introduction and Orientation
Changemakers: Ordinary People Making Extraordinary Impact
Allyship: Your Role as a Changemaker
Building the Dream: Positive Scenarios for the Future
Coalitions and Collaboration: The Power of Relationships
Systemic Change: Taking Action To Create a Better Future
Beyond Doom and Gloom: The Role of Emotion and Resilience
Communication: Changemaking in Your Own Words

Certificate Requirements
To complete this training and receive your certificate you must complete the following:
Submit all portfolio assignments (4 in total). You will receive instructions for these activities throughout the course:
Changemaker story
Vision of the future
Elevator speech
Submit an evaluation for each module + the final course evaluation (9 in total).
Evaluations are submitted for each module. The link to the Google form can be found at the end of each module.
You will receive your certificate after completing each of these elements above.
Assignment Instructions
All assignment instructions are included in the modules where there is a required activity. If you’re unsure of how to complete an assignment or need more direction for your work, please email us to ask for help at betterchangemaker@gmail.com.
Submission: Assignments + Evaluations
At the end of each module you will complete a Google form (linked at the bottom of each module) where you will briefly review the module you just completed. In this Google form, you will also submit assignments for modules where there is a portfolio activity.
Module Format
Like the page that you are currently viewing, each module is a webpage. We encourage you to save the Main Module Page to your bookmarks. If you lose this link, you can always look to your email, as we will include it in almost every email that is sent to you.
Required vs. Supplemental Content
We at Change the Chamber believe that each of the videos/articles included in this training are essential to your learning. When reading through each module, we encourage you to pay attention to the required elements at the top. As you read through the module, we will include links to different articles/videos that you can engage with. Here is an overview of the links that you can expect to encounter
Required videos and articles
These will be found throughout the module and also in the Required Content section at the top.
Supplemental videos and articles
These will be found throughout the module and also in the Supplemental Content section at the top.
Source information
From time to time, you will notice that we link out to source information. You are not required to read through these sources, they are only for citation purposes.
In the knowledge check at the end of the module, there may be questions based on these required elements so it is very important that you engage with these materials. If you are ever confused about whether or not something is required, you can review the Required and Supplemental Content sections at the top of each module.