Harnessing Hope: Sustainable Solutions for My Community In Esa-Oke

By Adeniji Michael Oluwafemi, September 5, 2024

My story, like that of many others from my community, is one of resilience, determination, and hope— a journey that drives me to seek support for building a better future.

A stream where the people of the Esa-Oke community wash their clothes and collect water.

My name is Adeniji Michael Oluwafemi, and I am a Senior Technical Officer at the Energy Commission of Nigeria. I am also a proud prince of Esa-Oke, a small community nestled in the beautiful hills of Osun State, Nigeria. Esa-Oke is a place of natural beauty, with its rolling hills and lush landscapes. My story, like that of many others from my community, is one of resilience, determination, and hope— a journey that drives me to seek support for building a better future.

View of the community from the hills

Esa-Oke is a place of stunning natural beauty, where the hills rise majestically, and the land is rich with the history and traditions of our people. However, beneath this beauty lies a harsh reality. Our community lacks the basic necessities that many take for granted—clean water, reliable electricity, and the tools needed to provide a proper education for our children.

Esa-Oke Community

Homes in Esa-Oke

As a child growing up in Esa-Oke, I recall our daily struggles. Mornings often began with a long trek to fetch water from a distant stream. The water, far from clean, was our only option. I carried the heavy bucket home, aware that it might make us sick, but we had no other choice. This harsh reality took a toll on our health and our ability to focus on our education.

Community members collecting water for cooking and bathing.

For some people in the community, this is the only source of drinking water.

The nights in Esa-Oke were equally challenging. With no electricity, we relied on the dim light of kerosene lamps to study. The flickering flames barely illuminated the pages of our worn-out textbooks, and the fumes often made it hard to breathe. I remember struggling to keep my eyes open, determined to learn, even as the darkness around me seemed to close in. Our schools, though filled with eager students, lacked the basic tools and resources we needed to succeed. Yet, despite these challenges, we pushed forward, driven by the hope of a brighter future.

As a Senior Technical Officer at Energy Commission of Nigeria, I have witnessed the transformative power that clean water, electricity, and education can have on a community. However, I am acutely aware that these resources remain out of reach for many in Esa-Oke. This realization has driven me to seek international support to bring sustainable solutions to my community.

Implementing renewable energy projects in rural areas like Esa-Oke is not without its challenges. In my role, I have encountered numerous obstacles, from inadequate infrastructure to a lack of technical expertise and funding. These challenges are common across rural Nigeria, and they highlight the need for tailored solutions that consider the unique circumstances of each community. Articles on renewable energy in Nigeria often emphasize these issues, underscoring the importance of innovation and resilience in the face of adversity. 

These challenges have inspired me to consider furthering my education by pursuing a Master’s degree in Sustainability, with a focus on how renewable energy and clean water can transform rural communities like Esa-Oke. I believe that providing these resources is not just about improving daily life; it is about empowering our children to learn and thrive. Water and renewable energy are not only essential for health and comfort, but they are also crucial for education. Without clean water, our children cannot stay healthy and focused. Without electricity, they cannot study effectively after the sun sets. These are fundamental needs that every child deserves, and addressing them is key to combating the impacts of climate change in our community.

My vision for Esa-Oke extends beyond just meeting these immediate needs. I dream of building a technical college focused on renewable energy, where our youth can learn the skills needed to maintain and operate these systems. By training the next generation in sustainability, we can create jobs, build local expertise, and ensure that these initiatives have a lasting impact. This college will not only serve Esa-Oke but will also be a beacon of hope and progress for surrounding communities, demonstrating the power of education and innovation in the fight against climate change.

Climate change is a global challenge that profoundly impacts vulnerable communities like Esa-Oke. By providing clean water, renewable energy, and education, we can build resilience and pave the way for a sustainable future. My vision for Esa-Oke is one where our children have the resources they need to succeed, our people are empowered with knowledge and skills, and our community becomes a model of sustainable development.

Esa-Oke is a place of great potential, a land rich with natural beauty and hardworking people. Our children are bright, but without the basic resources, their potential will remain untapped and purpose unfulfilled. With support, we can transform Esa-Oke into a thriving community, where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

If you are interested in learning more about my work or how you can support our efforts, please feel free to contact me via LinkedIn or through my email at adenijimichael9@gmail.com. 

Change The Chamber is a nonpartisan coalition of over 100 student groups, including undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates.


Climate Change and Its Implications for Future Generations: An Introduction to the Issues