Change The Chamber Condemns Attempts to Roll Back EPA Climate and Public Health Protections

By Erica Kriner, March 14, 2025

The young adults and student groups of Change the Chamber are appalled by the Trump Administration’s recent attempts to slash critical environmental and public health protections within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The young adults and student groups of Change the Chamber are appalled by the Trump Administration’s recent attempts to slash critical environmental and public health protections within the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These actions will only serve to pollute the air and water we all rely on while accelerating the climate crisis. While the Trump Administration boasts that these actions have resulted in the “most consequential day of deregulation in U.S. history," we are the generation that will be expected to clean up the messes made due to these changes. 

Change the Chamber adamantly opposes the Trump Administration’s and Environmental Protection Agency’s latest endeavors to dismantle critical environmental protections, including the closing of all eleven environmental justice offices across the country and attempts spearheaded by the Trump Administration to eradicate the environmental protections outlined in the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. These reckless rollbacks threaten the health and safety of all Americans by prioritizing profits for climate obstructors over public well-being.

For decades, the Clean Air Act and other pillars of environmental policy have been instrumental in reducing air pollution, preventing cardiovascular and respiratory disease, and mitigating the devastating effects of climate change. Weakening these protections is irresponsible and an outright attack on our fundamental rights to clean air, water, and a livable planet. The Trump Administration claims these regulations have put undue financial stress on the American economy. However, many of the wealthiest economies in the world also enjoy some of the cleanest air and water due to strict environmental regulations and large-scale investments in green technology. It is a falsehood that these regulations put undue financial burdens on corporations, but it is a profound truth that the removal of these regulations would place an undue burden on the American people. 

The Trump Administration must recognize that gutting environmental regulations does not serve the American people—in fact, it endangers countless individuals' health, well-being, and general welfare. Instead of dismantling critical and fundamental environmental protections, the EPA should work to strengthen and expand them to ensure our communities are protected from environmental harm.

We call upon policymakers to reject these dangerous actions and demand that the Trump Administration prioritize people over polluters. The fight for clean air and a sustainable future is non-negotiable, and we at Change the Chamber will continue to champion it.

Erica Kriner, National Climate Fellow at Change the Chamber

Change The Chamber is a nonpartisan coalition of young adults, 100+ student groups across the country, environmental justice and frontline community groups, and other allied organizations.


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