CTC’s Response to Inflation Reduction Act Passing in the Senate

By Change the Chamber Core Team, August 8, 2022

The youth are pleased their voices were heard by Democrats in the senate who recently passed The Inflation Reduction Act: the most significant climate policy in U.S. history.

The thousands of youths in Change the Chamber*Lobby for Climate (CTC) understand and trust the overwhelming scientific evidence that confirms climate change is a serious problem. The youth are pleased their voices were heard by Democrats in the senate who recently passed The Inflation Reduction Act: the most significant climate policy in U.S. history. If this act becomes law, the United States will, for the first time, come close to making its climate commitments. This act is a meaningful first step that will reduce emissions, and more importantly, pave the way for other nations to combat climate change.

“Climate change is the greatest threat our species has ever faced. I’ve interpreted its looming presence as a foreshadow of humanity’s demise. The prospect of this bill passing however, makes our triumph seem possible.” - Rae Dunbar, CTC Member and co-chair of Congressional Outreach

Though in full support of the funding allocated towards climate change, Change the Chamber acknowledges this act also contains leases and offshore drilling that will further exacerbate pollution and climate change. Marginalized communities are disproportionately exposed to toxic waste and pollution sites. Change the Chamber, along with other organizations, are concerned people of color will suffer the most from this increase in drilling.

“Climate change disproportionately impacts marginalized communities due to lingering impacts from century old policies. It’s time the United States acknowledges this, it’s time we give climate justice the attention it needs.” - Sophie Cifolelli, CTC Member and recent political science graduate 

Change the Chamber is disappointed that leases and drilling had to be added to appease congress members. And we are disappointed that even with these concessions, Republicans still did not step up to support this act. We urge Republicans in the house to make the same sensible decision Democratic senators made and vote yes.

Change the Chamber knows the fight against climate change is far from over. We will continue to advocate for science-based solutions and meaningful action towards climate justice.

Change The Chamber is a bipartisan coalition of over 100 student groups, including undergraduates, graduate students and recent graduates. Contact Change The Chamber at changeuschamber@gmail.com.


CTC Statement on the House Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act


CEOs and Business Leaders: Money Won’t Save Your Children from Climate Change